Friday, March 30, 2007

Sky's the limit !!

昨日研究室から9人が卒業しました。一人はあと1年間研究室に残りますけど他の8人はみんな卒業して社会人になります。一気に8人が研究室からいなくなるなんてありえないぐらい寂しいですね。僕はこの研究室に入ってからもう2年間半たちました。この二年間半見ると3年前のF.R.I.E.N.D.Sの最後のシーズン思い出します。あの時あのドラマは本当に終わってほしくなかった。今もこの二年間半終わってほしくない (;_;)


卒業おめでとうございます!皆さんに大変迷惑かけたと思いますが、この間ずっと面倒見てくれたり、一緒にいろんな所へつれて行ったり、遊んだり、日本語と色々教えてくれたり、本当にお世話になりました。皆さんのおかげで今までの研究室の生活にいい思い出になりました。本当にありがとうございます。We’ll miss you.

For you,
Sky is the limit!!!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Holi hai !!!


ホーリーとは、インドの三大祭りの一つに数えられる大きなお祭りです。Festival of coloursと呼ばれるこの祭りでは色のついた粉や水をまくことにより、冬の終わりを告げ、春の訪れを祝います。



Well, this festival is not just about fun and colors. As for all festivals in India, there is a scientific reason for celebrating Holi. This festival occurs at the onset of spring. This period, during which the weather changes, is prone to cause viral fever and cold. Thus, the playful throwing of the coloured powders has a medicinal significance as the coloured powders are made of Neem, Kumkum, Haldi, Bilva, and other medicinal herbs prescribed by Āyurvedic doctors.


Happy Holi to those who celebrate !!

Gosh, I miss Holi.

Saturday, March 03, 2007


More than two months have passed since I wrote last post. Laziness, at its peak :)
Well, time to scribble something on this page. What did I do in these two months besides lying lazily?

1. I did a Tape Out (I know this is not a thing to write because I'm supposed to do it anyway. That's part of my work.) But important point is that because of this tape out, I missed or rather did not have time to see this mindblowing product and it's amazing presentation. Boy, Steve Jobs rocks!

2. After almost two years, I flew back to my homeland for a months vacation. Spent some quality time with family and friends, went some places around, ate lots of things, gained lots of weight and forgot most of the Japanese that I had learnt.

3. After much of the efforts, I finished my first Japanese novel '窓ぎわのとっとちゃん' by 黒柳 徹子(Tetsuko Kuroyanagi). Although I fishied the last half of the book in the airplane, it took me two months to finish the book. But it was worth it. Very touching novel. No doubt it was a bestseller. Its about a nursery schoolgirl 'Tottochan'and her unique school 'Tomoe' a visinory teacher headmaster Kobayashi-sensei. You don't realize while reading how you become part of Tottochan's world full of curiosity. How Kobayashi-sensei grooms his students in his own unique way and how his small experiments change his students way of looking at life is something worth reading. I would definitely like to write something more about this book in future. But before that I'm gonna read it again.

4. What else? I just returned (safely) from a 3 day ski trip. 'Kusatsu onsen'; as the name suggests, a place famous for its onsen is also a ski resort. There was not much of the snow around though. May be because we were late this year. But overall, a nice trip.

Oh.. by the way, I also received a funny email forward from my friend which reminded me my school day exams.

This is amazing

ha ha ha.. very funny, Peter..

This one takes the cake..